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Sky and Underground Players

Only players knows the existence of mana and about abilities that players receive that are affected by the elements.

A retired player or a person can become a player or a supporter by meting "special condition". If they cleare a Dungeon and grow more in power they can archive the special condition.

Only after a player clear a Dungeon can get Levels, they can't Level up in the middle of a Dungeon.

A good method to get multiple levels is to kill as many monster there are and after kill the boss and get the rewards and level up.

And a bad method to get multiple levels is grinding.

A person can get is skill by completing a Dungeon or by meeting certain requirements. The best way is to get as many skills as possible, there are no bad skills.

After a player cleared a Dungeon, that person can sustain body modification, making the player more powerful.

A player can use his mana to hide their wings or tail.

Every Player has an inventory space where they can store stuff but it has a limit of how much you can put in. You can put anything in to the inventory.

Evolution PlayersA supporter gets more power as the team member is getting more powerful

A player can get the Healer class after he successfully clear a level 10 Dungeon and the level of the player is not important, the only important thing is to clear the Dungeon.

If low tier players trains and grows stronger, they can be reborn as a supporter.

A player how has the skill Matan or something similar are called Gunners and sometimes they are cakked cheaters because this type of skill is so rare.

The D-rank is reversed for players of level between 100-150 or above. The more +'s a weapon has, the more powerful is it. A rank D++ weapon can actually be better than a C- weapon.

Every weapon has a option. It is unlocked when a person becomes more proficient their weak and the special ability will be unlocked.Inventory

If a player wants to clear a lv 5 Dungeon he has to clear first a lv 4 Dungeon successfully, and because of this some players enter just lower level Dungeons because they are afraid of what would happen if they enter a higher level Dungeon.

The Death StoneWhen a player dies, they're name will appear on the Death Stone.

There are 2 types of Players:

Sky Players[]


Sky Players are the first players to be found. The have wings and are able to enter the Sky Castle. Some players are born with wings from the day they where born. These players are born with a very strong foundation and knowledge. For them, the ability to fly is not at all unusual.

The Sky Players consider that the mana from the sky is handled by the all-powerful God.

When a player becomes a supporter, the player size will change making the player very small, about the size of a fairy.

Underground Players[]

Underground Players are the second types of players to be found. They have a tail to dig down so that they can enter the Underground Dungeons.

To enter an underground Dungeon a player has to meet the requirements to enter the Dungeon.


Players get their skills and weapons at the end of the dungeon or of a job. Some players are lucky to get a passive skill for combat, most often related to a weapon, at an early stage. Those people would be able to advance faster and further than normal players, most-likely to become a guildmates. A player can create a skill by permanently use some or all of their mana and by knowing about what they want the skill to do and how to shape it.

Active Skills[]

An active skill is the type of skill where a person proactively approach their goal by learning to repeatedly use mana and create a chanel between their own soul and body. It is not obvious on the outside, but once the skill is activated, the explosive change in mana is overwhelming powerful.

Pasive Skills[]

A passive skill is less proactive in that it functions continuously. A person's mana changes and condenses into a specific form, directly manifesting on the players body. A passive skill is influenced only by the player's mana at the time of the inception. Afterwards it will grow without being affected by the mana stat of the player and always support the owner in some way.
